Clubs & 组织

There are a variety of student clubs and organizations at 博彩平台网址大全 for student participation. Clubs and organizations can be founded by students, faculty, and staff of WCC. Each club or organization must have at least one faculty or staff member serve as club sponsor. 有关扶轮社及组织筹款活动的指引, 请与学生活动协调员联络.


学生会协会由一位主席组成, 副总统, secretary, 以及代表WCC全体学生的财务主管.  SGA serves to provide self-government for the student body by serving as a liaison between students and administration, 策划校园范围内的学生活动, 并在学院的服务区域内提供社区服务.



  • 国际象棋俱乐部
  • 基督徒团契
  • Forensics
  • 人类服务协会
  • HOSA
  • 医务化验技术俱乐部
  • 有抱负的商务人士
  • Phi Theta Kappa
  • CSI Club
  • 区域物理治疗师助理俱乐部
  • 助理助理(口腔卫生俱乐部)
  • 学生会协会
  • 学生护士组织 
  • 威斯维尔大学球员


1998年6月, the President of 博彩平台网址大全 officially declared the school‘s colors to be maroon and white. 学校的官方吉祥物是野猫. 学校的颜色和吉祥物被用于各种设置, 包括校外体育和其他活动.



  • 章程:建立俱乐部或组织的书面章程和细则, 包括创建俱乐部或组织的基本原理, 必须提交给学生事务处的学生活动协调员.  私人俱乐部或协会, 社会兄弟会, 和姐妹会将不会得到世界基督教协商会的授权和支持.
  • If there is an affiliation with an outside organization such as a national society, 外部组织的章程, 章程也必须提交.
  • Recognized religious or political student organizations may limit activities that relate to the core functions of the organization to only those students who support the organization's mission.
  • The proposed club must have at least one faculty or staff member of WCC who is committed to serving as an official club sponsor.  Sponsors of clubs who are not faculty or staff members of the college are prohibited.
  • The Dean of Student Success and Academic Advancement shall have the authority to approve or deny the request for the establishment of a proposed club or organization.
  • 拟成立的俱乐部必须经过一年的秋季审核 & Spring semester) probationary period to ensure that the club was successful in meeting both proposal guidelines and allocation requirements before it is eligible for funding from student activity fees for the next academic year.  The Dean of Student Success and Academic Advancement shall give final authority to determine the success of the probationary period of the proposed student club/organization.


社团如无活动记录(会议、采购等),即告解散.)是在两个学年之后完成的.  请注意:所有资金用于俱乐部, 包括账户余额, 在不活跃三年之后是否会重新分配给活跃的扶轮社.


Each year, the WCC Local Board approves the proposed 学生活动 Budget which features all student club and other student activity accounts.  The 学生活动 Coordinator proposes the budget to the Dean of Student Success and Academic Advancement for approval.  批准后, the budget is then submitted to the Vice President of Finance and Administrative Services to be presented to the WCC Local Board for final authorization.   Funds are then allocated into each account during the Summer to be used throughout the upcoming academic year.

The WCC Accountant will send a reconciliation report periodically to each club sponsor and it is the responsibility of the sponsor to reconcile club accounts and return the form signed back to the WCC Business Office.

为了使俱乐部获得下一学年的资金, 在上一学年必须满足以下标准:

  • 派一名扶轮社代表参加每月的SGA会议.  如果没有代表,请联系SGA的赞助商.
  • 一学年(秋季)每学期不少于两次社团会议 & 春季学期)
  • 至少一次教育活动(实地考察、研讨会、演讲等).)每学年
  • 每学年不少于一次社区服务活动
  • Send a copy of meeting minutes with attendees list to 学生活动 Coordinator

每年四月底, club sponsors must submit an official Fund Request Form to the 学生活动 Coordinator that clearly states each club meeting date, 教育活动, 以及社区服务项目, 以及下一年的拟议资助金额.  Clubs are highly encouraged to construct a budget to have on hand in order to keep accurate records of club assets and expenditures.

Usually, sponsors are eligible for stipends in reimbursement for time and work outside of work assignments assisting student clubs and organizations.  Sponsors/advisors must mark on the Fund Request Form whether to receive the stipend or to donate it back into the sponsored club account.  Stipends for sponsors do not come out of the local club accounts but are deducted as an annual expense to the club from the club’s funding allocation.


Purchases must be handled through the academic division administrative assistants and/or the 学生活动 Coordinator for anything regarding clubs and organizations.  This is due to the extensive knowledge and awareness of specific purchasing procedures required by the Commonwealth of Virginia and the WCC Procurement Office. 

In planning for events that require purchasing, please keep in mind the following:

  • 为大多数商品和服务寻求, 比如餐饮和办公用品, 提供物品的供应商必须是经批准的eVA SWAM供应商.   The Small, 女性拥有的, and Minority-owned Business (SWaM) certification program is a state program of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Its purpose is to enhance procurement opportunities for SWaM businesses participating in state-funded projects.
  • The 学生活动 Coordinator and/or division administrative assistant must submit the proposed purchase through the eVA approval flow before items, goods, 或者可以购买服务.
  • 拨给扶轮社的款项必须只用于扶轮社会议, activities, 以及为加强扶轮社的使命和宗旨而进行的旅行.  Monies shall not be dispersed for other reasons non-related to the functions of the club, 比如向外部组织捐款.
  • 对于俱乐部采购方面的任何问题或顾虑, please do not hesitate to contact the 学生活动 Coordinator or the academic division administrative assistant.


  1. “教师, staff, students, and student clubs/organizations must consult with the WCC Foundation Office before contacting any prospective private donor for either monetary or in-kind gifts.  The Foundation Office staff will work with college employees and students to secure contributions for approved projects.
  2. All supervisors/advisors should inform their staffs and any organizations for which they are responsible for the proper fundraising procedures.