
Step 1: Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), 10月1日开始发售, at fafsa.政府 使用校规 003761.

  • The FAFSA is available on October 1 for the next school year. We encourage you to fill it out as soon as possible on or after October 1 to meet school priority processing dates and FAFSA deadlines.
  • 登入网址: fafsa.政府 to apply or fill out the form in the myStudentAid mobile app, available on the App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android).
  • Send FAFSA to “ using the Federal School Code (003761). 
  • 我已经有金融服务管理局的身份证了 或者在登录时遇到问题, 直接联系FSA ID.

Step 2: Update your mailing address, email, and phone number in the Student Information System (SIS).  

  • Keeping your contact information up to date means that the “财政援助办公室 can contact you with updates about your financial aid and more.

Step 3: Check your SIS 待办事项清单 to see if your FAFSA was selected for verification.

  • 待办事项清单 items must be resolved before you can receive financial aid. Each item has a description of the document and where you can find it. Direct additional questions to the “财政援助办公室.



第一步:申请“ & 选择一个学习项目

  • 提交网上申请 When applying to “, include your social security number on the application. The SSN is a personal identifier that links the FAFSA to your student account.

Step 2: Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), 10月1日开始发售, at studentaid.政府 使用校规 003761.

  • We encourage you to fill it out as soon as possible on or after October 1 to meet school priority processing dates and FAFSA deadlines.
  • 登入网址: studentaid.政府 to apply or fill out the form in the myStudentAid mobile app, available on the App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android).
  • 我已经有金融服务管理局的身份证了 或者在登录时遇到问题, 直接联系FSA ID. They will help you retrieve your account information.

Step 3: Update your address, email and phone number in the Student Information System (SIS).  

  • Keeping your contact information up to date means that the “财政援助办公室 can contact you with updates about your financial aid and more.

第四步:已经提交了FAFSA? 接下来是什么? Watch for emails from the 金融援助 Office.

  • Complete 22/23 FAFSA (using 2020 taxes) for Fall 22, 春天23, Summer 23 and complete 23/24 FAFSA (using 2021 taxes) for Fall 23. 春季24天和夏季24.  
  • You can start applying for the 23/24 FAFSA in October 2022.

Step 5: Check your SIS “待办事项清单” to see if your FAFSA was selected for verification.

  • 登录My.“ 查看SIS学生中心.
    • 点击SIS学生信息按钮
    • 选择学生中心
    • 视图 待办事项清单 网页左侧的菜单
  • 你的 待办事项清单 includes descriptions of documents and helpful links. 我们不接受文件的图片.
  • 如果没有 待办事项清单 items, contact the “财政援助办公室 (askfinaid@wcc.个电流.edu).

Step 6: Review your financial aid award

  • You will receive a VCCS email notification.
  • 登录My.“ 查看SIS学生中心.
    • 点击SIS学生信息按钮
    • 点击学生中心
    • 选择查看经济援助
    • 点击援助年度查看援助情况




Don't want to have to type in all your tax info?  Use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool to transfer it for you!

只是 一定要点击 现在转移 在你的FAFSA上!

Can't get the Data Retrieval Tool to work?  Check out this to get additional information:  4506-T表格指示(PDF) 和 4506-T表格(PDF).

 应用ing for 金融援助 can seem overwhelming - it isn't.  遵循以下步骤:

  • 申请入读学院!  
  • 创建您的FSA ID
  • Have you forgotten your FSA ID Password?
  • Have you forgotten your FSA ID Username?
  • Remember, if you are a dependent student, a parent must have a separate FSA username and password.  The parent cannot have the same email as the student.
  • 我是独立学生吗?  这 依赖状态指南 can help you discover the correct answer!
  • 填写你的 FAFSA.  Returning student or a new one, this video explains it for you!
  • 记得附上“的校规, 003761,这样我们就能拿到你的FAFSA
  • FAFSA has to be filled out every year you plan to attend college
  • Don't wait until you hear from the admissions office - file now!
  • Be sure to use the Data Retrieval Tool and check the transfer now box to ensure your tax information transfer over easily

Click here to request a copy of your tax return, wage transcript, or non-filing status letter.

Click here more information about Form 4506-T, Request for Transcript of Tax Returns.



  • “'s 金融援助 Office  no longer mails out missing information letters. 这 information will be SENT TO THE STUDENTS COLLEGE EMAIL that will direct students to their message center in their Student Information System (SIS). Students will need to look at their To-Do 列表 to see what items are required in order to complete their financial aid.

    After we have collected all necessary documents to complete your file, “将审核你的申请文件. 如果你获奖了, you will receive an email TO YOUR STUDENT COLLEGE EMAIL from the “ Financial Office to notify you of your financial aid award. If you are not eligible, you will also receive an email to explain why you are not eligible. If your award is not sufficient enough to cover your tuition costs, you will need to pay the remaining balance to avoid being dropped from classes.

金融援助 Documents can be uploaded using the 财政援助安全表格上传程序 或从SIS待办事项列表.

 期待一个 退款 for a financial award, scholarship, or dropped a course? See here for “'s 退款 policy and information on how to manage your 退款s. 

See here for “'s Return of Funds policy.







电话: (800) 468-1195 or (276) 223-4706         
电子邮件: askfinaid@wcc.个电流.edu        
